Why your cat loves catnip + benefits for man |
People often wonder : is catnip harmful to cats?
If you are a cat owner, then you probably already know that cats love this perennial herb. Just a few sniffles and cats go into a crazy state, a little crazy.
It is estimated that about 50% of cats have a hereditary sensitivity to catnip, which leads to their various excited and often comical reactions. However, when cats eat grass, the effect is the opposite and the grass really soothes them.
If you probably already knew that cats love this plant, did you know that catnip can also have beneficial effects for humans? It is true !
What is catnip?
Catnip ( Nepeta cataria ), sometimes referred to as "cat's cannabis", is a plant belonging to the mint ( Lamiaceae ) family that grows in North America and Europe.
Other names include spearmint, catwort and balm.
Felines of all kinds, domestic cats with lions and tigers, are unleashed at the touch of this aromatic herb with the scent of mint.
The plant has small white flowers with purple dots. The leaves and stems of the plant contain a volatile oil called nepetalactone. The flowers and leaves are used for medicinal purposes.
Nepetalactone triggers sensory neurons in many felines and literally attracts them to the plant. That's why you often find cat toys that contain catnip.
Nepetalactone found in catnip is similar to valepotriates found in valerian , a more well known sedative root. This is why when cats (or humans) consume catnip, it has a sedative effect.
There is also the lemon catnip ( Nepeta cataria Citriodora ) that exudes a pleasant citrus scent and also attracts cats with its stimulating scent but also its soothing effect when they eat it.
History of catnip
The use of catnip leaves and flowers was recorded for the first time hundreds of years ago (in 1735, to be exact) in a book called "Irish General Herbs".
The leaves and shoots of the plant have also been used historically as flavoring in stews, sauces, fruit wines and liqueurs.
In the early 1900s, flowers and leaves would have been used to cause delayed menstruation. In the 1960s, catnip was smoked by some for its euphoric effects.
Recent research has examined the potential of using catnip as an anticancer treatment in humans. Specifically, the researchers hope that the plant could be used as a novel therapeutic agent for small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in the near future.
What are the effects of catnip on cats?
As I mentioned, it's actually genetics that cause a cat to be attracted to catnip. About one in two cats will be crazy about this herb and it is between 3 and 6 months that a reaction will probably be detected by a cat owner.
How much catnip is needed to observe a reaction? One or two sniffs are enough! When cats sniff catnip, the effects usually last about 10 minutes.
The behavior can include one or more of the following:
head rubbing
head agitations
Some cats will display these strange behaviors after feeling it while other cats will be in a very relaxed state. Another reaction may start with a delusional state and end with an aggressive game.
No matter the reaction, it does not last long and ends in minutes.
Can a cat eat catnip?
Yes, everything is fine, but you must not give it too often otherwise it may become insensitive.
One of the recommendations is that it should not be given more than once every two or three weeks to prevent addiction.
Can a cat overdose with catnip?
Yes, it is possible for a cat to overdose with catnip but it is not common because domesticated cats tend to know when they have enough.
Benefits of catnip on health
1. Stress Reducer (Cats + Humans)
Cats can be stressed, just like humans. Catnip is a plant that is commonly on the list of natural anti-stress remedies for domesticated felines.
If you know something is looming on the horizon that may stress your best furry friend (such as visiting your vet), then a common recommendation is to let your cat play with toys filled with catnip before the dreaded rendezvous.
There are for example padded mice or mini gardens of catnip. In this way, your cat can spend all his energy and release his anguish beforehand and is likely to be calmer and less stressed on the day of the visit.
Like valerian , lemon balm and chamomile , catnip is another plant traditionally used and known for its soothing effect on humans.
That's why some store-bought relaxation teas often include catnip. You can also prepare your own herbal blend at home. To manage stress, you can try drinking one to three cups of this tea a day.
2. Anti-cough (humans)
Traditional medicine has used catnip as one of many natural cough remedies. With plants such as horehound , mullein , hyssop , licorice and ivy leaf, catnip has a long history of use to relieve cough naturally.
A study using animal subjects published in the Journal of Ethopharmacology concluded that catnip has antispasmodic and myorelaxant abilities.
Another 2015 scientific study places catnip on a list of herbal bronchodilators that may be medically useful for cough and asthma.
3. Sedative and Voltage Reducer (Cats + Humans)
Although catnip should not be used daily, it can sometimes be a useful tool for promoting relaxation and sleep in your cat. Once the cat has been physically active for about 10 minutes, it is more likely to be calm and relaxed.
The catnip will stimulate your cat in the first minutes after feeling it but it will be much quieter for several hours later. When cats ingest catnip, it is also known to have a sedative effect.
Are you struggling with sleep problems? Some health professionals are known to recommend catnip as a mild sedative for people with insomnia or nervous exhaustion.
With a chemical called nepetalactone in the plant, catnip can have sedative effects in humans, which can help relieve sleep disorders and tension headaches.
4. Training tool (cats)
Many cats experts recommend using catnip as a training tool for cats because many cats strongly react to this plant. So, how can it be used to change the behavior of your pet?
If your cat does not get used to the new litter, sprinkle it with some catnip and it will quickly become more inviting.
Do your cat's claws damage your pretty furniture? Apply some cat grass spray on a scratch post so your cat is more likely to put his claws on this post rather than on your furniture.
It is important to note that you should wait about two hours between each use as a training aid to make it effective.
5. Skin care (cats + humans)
If your cat continually scratches and seems to have itchy skin, a cat tree tea care can soothe her skin.
Sipping tea from catnip can also treat skin problems in humans. Because urticaria is often stress-related, the herb can help calm the nervous system and act as a natural treatment for red patches.
Why your cat loves catnip + benefits for man
How to use catnip?
Wondering what is the best catnip for cats? I'm happy to tell you that you can find certified organic catnip nowadays, especially online . Non-organic versions of the herb may contain pesticides or insecticides.
To keep it fresh, store it in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry place. To maximize the effects of fresh grass, crush it a little with your fingers to release the volatile oil. The grass is effective in very small quantities, read the instructions of the product.
In addition, you can find catnip in the form of a living plant , dried powder or solid bales .
It is also easy to find toys that contain catnip as funny mice . A spray version is another option, which can be used on bedding or toys.
Wondering how to use catnip as a human being? Catnip tea is one of the most common and easiest ways to ingest grass. You will often find it in some already packaged tea blends or you can prepare your own tea by combining a cup of boiled water with one to two teaspoons of the herb.
Cover the tea and let it infuse for at least 10 minutes to maximize the benefits. You can drink two to three times a day. For coughing, adults can take 2 teaspoons of tincture of catnip up to three times a day.
If you are looking to grow this euphoric herb in your garden, it is not difficult to grow it in a sunny place, outdoors or indoors. You can buy seeds online .
Like other members of the mint family, the plant can become invasive. To prevent it from growing too much, you can remove the flower heads before they mature and create new seeds.
To harvest it, simply cut the leaves of the plant. They can be used as is or you can dry the leaves and slide them into cat toys. As a bonus, these leaves are also known to repel mosquitoes.
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